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Wheaton Semester Programs

Wheaton in México

Wheaton in Mexico
Wheaton in México is a 17-week semester program that combines language study and practice, interdisciplinary courses, cultural immersion, and academic excursions. It provides students a unique opportunity to experience and learn about the diverse cultures, languages and peoples of México. With a population of 129 million, México accounts for 25% of the world’s Spanish speakers and is the country of origin for 64% of the 55 million Hispanics/Latinos living in the United States. Students live with host families in the city of Querétaro and have opportunities to travel to other regions of the country, such as México City, Oaxaca, Guanajuato, Puebla, and the ecologically diverse Sierra Gorda. In order to maximize learning, space is limited.

LEARN MORE about this opportunity to live with and learn from the peoples of Mexico. You can also see the Wheaton in Mexico Brochure

The application deadline for spring 2025 is March 22, 2024.



Wheaton Semester in Jerusalem 

Semester in Jerusalem is a faculty-led semester program where students explore and engage with ancient biblical and modern Middle East narratives. It provides students a unique opportunity to experience and learn about the land and story of the Bible and the diverse cultures, customs, and issues of those living in Israel today. Students reside and study at Jerusalem University College in Jerusalem, the cradle of ancient civilizations and one of the most vibrant cultural and religious communities in the world. Field studies and academic excursions will take students to other regions of the country, such as the Dead Sea, Nazareth, and Galilee; the program also includes travel to Jordan for study. In order to maximize learning, space is limited. 

LEARN MORE about this exciting interdisciplinary study opportunity. You can also see the Semester in Jerusalem Brochure.

The Semester in Jerusalem program is currently suspended.